Release Notes - April'24

Discover the latest updates and functionalities from our cutting-edge applications

Filipe Mattos avatar
Written by Filipe Mattos
Updated over a week ago

New Features - What's New? Real-Time AI Platform serves as our central platform and we are constantly improving its environment to provide a greater user experience. Here are the latest updates on

  • User Administration Alerts - Phone notifications

    In this latest update, user administrators can now opt to receive SMS notifications on their mobile phones. This new feature allows both existing and new users to enable real-time alerts, keeping them informed about their processes even when out of mine site and enabling proactive actions.

Figure 1: User Administration page with the new column for phone number details

Stockpile and Inventory Optimization (SIO) App’s Stockpile & Inventory Optimization application uses Scientific AI to provide real-time 3D ore control models of stockpiles, increasing spatial granularity to maximize value extraction and recommend optimized blends. Here are the most recent advancements in this application:

  • Model Configuration - Layered Stockpiles

In mining operations, it's common to layer stockpiles due to factors such as space limitations and operational efficiency. Traditional models often treat the entire mass as a single unit, which may not align with the specific requirements of different mining operations.

We are introducing a versatile modeling methodology that allows for the independent modeling of each layered stockpile. This approach aims to provide distinct blockmodel files for each stockpile layer, enhancing adaptability and precision in mining operations. Additionally, it facilitates independent tracking and reporting for each stockpile, ensuring comprehensive insights and streamlined management.

Figure 2: 3D block model representation of stockpiles on top of each other with its properties associated

  • Block Model Variability Analysis - Variability Metrics

The upgraded feature integrates standard deviation, minimum, and maximum calculations into the stockpile model, offering customers detailed insights into the variability of material grades within stockpiles.

This functionality enables customers to evaluate the spread and range of material compositions more precisely, facilitating informed decision-making regarding material blending, processing, and overall stockpile management.

Through visualizations, comparative analysis, alerts, trend monitoring, and more, customers can develop a deeper understanding of material variability, empowering them to optimize resource utilization and effectively mitigate risks.

Know more about how to evaluate variability metrics for block models >

Bugs - What's Fixed?

In our continued effort to make the most reliable platform, we focused extra on eliminating key bugs. Here are some of the top fixes: Admin

  • The SMS alerts for critical status changes on is functioning correctly.

  • The deletion of alerts is performing as intended.

  • Subscribing for notifications on the user admin area is working fine

Stockpile and Inventory Optimization App

  • Batch weights are consistent with model contents after block model conformation.

  • The scan alert is now being triggered only when an asset hasn't received any scan for the last 10 days.

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