User management

This article describes how to add and update users on the brains app platform.

Written by stuart harris
Updated over a week ago

Management of users in an SSO context

Brains app uses an SSO (Single Sign-On) architecture to allow users to sign in to multiple sites using one set of credentials (See Single Sign-On article for more information on how users can sign in).

To accomplish this brains app first requires that a new user be registered in a centralised "global" collection and then granted rights and access to specific sites which are under the control of your company.

Global user administration

The starting point for adding a new user is the global users administration page which can be accessed from the navigation bar by going to:

administration > global user administration

Adding a new user to global user collection

When in the global user administration page press the button labelled [Add user] to open the Add user dialog.

Within this dialog you can add the following details for the new user:

  • Email - The email they will sign in with and be contacted by. (this must be provided in a valid format)

  • Display name - How they are displayed across the platform when referred to.

  • First name and Last name - The actual full name of the new user.

  • Active - This determines if the user account is active or disabled.

  • Global admin - This will grant or revoke the ability to make edits on the global users administration page.

  • Language - The language in which the platform is displayed to the user.

Once all the relevant details are inputted clicking [Save] will create the new user account and it will be visible in the table of users.

Note: users can log in with plain email, Azure AD or Google ID so long as the email matches the one added to the global users collection.

Editing global user accounts

To edit the users in the global user table click the edit icon on the row of the user you wish to edit. (Which looks like a pencil). This will open the Edit user dialog.

Adding users to sites

When in the edit user dialog, you will see a table which lists the sites to which the user account has been added.

When a user is added to a site it means they can use their single sign-on to sign into that site.

At the bottom of the sites table you'll see a button labelled [Add user to site] clicking this will open a further dialog where you can assign to one of the sites available to you and set the user role, account activity and user type.

Once you have set these fields, click [Save] and the new site assignment will appear in the table for the user.

Activate or disable user account

Whilst in the edit user dialog, set the switch labelled Active to on to activate the user's account and set it to off to disable the user's account.

Trigger password reset for user

Whilst in the edit user dialog, clicking on the [Reset password] button will send a reset password link to the user via email. It will also prevent anyone from signing in with the old password.

Granting/revoking a user global admin capability

Whilst in the edit user dialog, set the switch labelled Global to on to grant the user account with the capability to make changes in the global user administration page. Set it to off to revoke the global admin capability.

User administration

To manage the users added to the site you are currently logged into, navigate to the user administration page which can be accessed from the navigation bar by going to:

administration > user administration

Editing user details for site

To edit the users in the site user table click the edit icon on the row of the user you wish to edit. (Which looks like a pencil). This will open the Edit user dialog.

  • Role - Change user role for this site. (User is default, but additional roles may have selective access to features and content on this site.)

  • Active - This determines if the user account is active or disabled for this site.

  • User type - Change user type for this site. (User has basic capabilities, Admin has ability to change settings on admin screens for this site.)

Once all the relevant details are inputted clicking [Save] will update the user's account settings for this site.

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