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Single Sign-On (SSO)
Single Sign-On (SSO)

This article describes how to sign into brains app using SSO credentials

Written by stuart harris
Updated over a week ago

What is single sign-on?

Single sign-on allows users to connect to different brains environments using a single email address or credential provider rather than maintaining multiple accounts or multiple email addresses formatted like: first_name.last_name+environment_name @

How to sign into brains app

  1. To sign in, go to the sign-in page of your respective brains environment, e.g.!/signin

  2. Choose your method of sign-in, this requires that your email or credentials have been registered with the environment by an administrator on your behalf.

    1. Email.

    2. Azure AD.

    3. Google.

Signing in with an email address

To sign in with the email method:

  1. fill the email input with your registered account email address.

  2. fill the password input with your registered account password.

  3. click [sign in].

  4. if the details provided are valid and registered with the brains environment you will be signed in successfully.

  5. otherwise if you receive error feedback telling you that sign in was unsuccessful, please contact the administrator for your brains environment for guidance on which credentials to use for sign in.

Signing in with Azure AD

To sign in with the Azure AD method:

  1. Click the [Azure AD] button.

  2. In the new window sign into Azure AD with the details for your registered account.

  3. You will be returned to the brains sign in screen and if the account is registered to this environment you will be signed in successfully.

  4. Otherwise you will receive error feedback telling you that the Azure AD account is not associated with this environment, in which case please contact the administrator for your brains environment for guidance on which credentials to use for sign in.

Signing in with Google

  1. Click the [Google] button.

  2. In the new window sign into Google with the details for your registered account.

  3. You will be returned to the brains sign in screen and if the account is registered to this environment you will be signed in successfully.

  4. Otherwise you will receive error feedback telling you that the Google account is not associated with this environment, in which case please contact the administrator for your brains environment for guidance on which credentials to use for sign in.

Switching between available sites

When a user has been granted access to more than 1 site they will see the site selection menu upon signing in.

This selection menu can also be accessed whilst already signed into a site by navigating to user settings > switch site

Management of users in an SSO context

Because users in an SSO context exist in a centralised location a user account must first be created in a centralised place and then assigned to the individual environments that company administrators want them to have access to.

For more information on how to manage users please read the following article.

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