Release Notes - March'24

Discover the latest updates and functionalities from our cutting-edge applications

Filipe Mattos avatar
Written by Filipe Mattos
Updated over a week ago

New Features - What's New?

Stockpile and Inventory Optimization App SIO App serves as the definitive data source for users, offering real-time 3D ore control models of stockpiles for enhanced stockpile management. This includes heightened spatial granularity to maximize value extraction. Here are the most recent advancements:

  • Subregion Redistribution of Batches (SRB) - Mass Rescaling

    This most recent initiative aims at enhancing the Blockmodel Conformation method - Subregion Redistribution of Batches (SRB) - by adding an option to rescale the mass using the scan survey's volume and a fixed material density.

    The system should enable users to personalize mass scaling parameters for individual subregions, ensuring adaptability to specific operational needs. This will be facilitated through a user-friendly interface (Site config screen) designed for easy configuration of mass scaling for subregions, including the specification of density values.

    Additionally, the implementation will include validation mechanisms and auditing features to ensure that the mass scaling adjustments are in line with expectations and achieve the desired accuracy levels.

Figure 1: Site Configuration Screen - Options to enable mass rescaling during conformation

By enabling the rescale_mass_conform option in the asset configuration, the user should be able to update the asset tonnage and preserve its density. This option allows sites with faulty FMS data to use the scan volume and the expected density as references when applying conformation scans.

  • Selective Label Exclusion - Material accounting and block modeling

    This feature allows sites to exclude specific FMS-labeled events from material accounting, inventory reports, and block models, ensuring accurate representations and precise insights. Initially configurable through the backend, it streamlines implementation for rapid results.

    By implementing this feature, we can promptly improve material accounting accuracy and streamline inventory reports while ensuring flexibility for users to configure it as needed.

Grinding Optimization App’s Grinding Optimization Application uses real-time Scientific AI to guide metallurgists and operators to achieve optimal performance by operating at improved process variable setpoints. Here are the latest updates on

  • IsaMill P80 Virtual Sensor - Particle size distribution (PSD) discharge

    The IsaMill P80 Virtual Sensor 2.1 offers significant additional monitoring and provides real-time visibility of the IsaMill discharge PSD. The P80 virtual sensor allows for real-time monitoring and decision-making of the particle size distribution during the grinding process. By maintaining the desired P80 target, it helps optimize grinding efficiency and maximize the liberation of valuable minerals from ore.

    The implementation of the P80 virtual sensor marks a significant enhancement in process transparency for both Process Engineers/Metallurgists and Operators alike. This sensor plays a pivotal role in ensuring the production of high-quality concentrates and final products. By providing real-time feedback, the P80 virtual sensor helps prevent overgrinding, allowing operators to adjust the grinding process to maintain the target P80 size effectively.

    Furthermore, it ensures that particles are sufficiently ground to meet the desired size, thereby minimizing instances of undergrinding. With improved process control facilitated by the P80 virtual sensor, operators can anticipate reduced operating costs, including lower energy consumption and decreased reagent usage, ultimately enhancing overall efficiency in operations.

    Figure 2: IsaMill P80 Virtual Sensor graph with operation period associated

Bugs - What's Fixed?

In our continued effort to make the most reliable platform, we focused extra on eliminating key bugs. Here are some of the top fixes: Admin

  • The 2-State Indicator is displaying the same result both in the preview and after the widget is added.

  • All strings are being translated and displayed correctly on the screen.

Stockpile and Inventory Optimization App

  • The 'historical Blockmodels' tab is listing the files from the 'latest Blockmodels' tab as expected.

  • Blockmodel dates follow the correct format when loading.

Flotation Optimization App

  • The bar chart does not overlap with the Performance section when zooming.

  • The optimizer screen is loading properly.

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