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How do I track the usage of the Flotation Optimizer's set points?
How do I track the usage of the Flotation Optimizer's set points?

Instructions for using the Usage Metrics to track how frequently operators make use of the Optimizer's recommendations.

Niel Knoblauch avatar
Written by Niel Knoblauch
Updated over a week ago

Did the Control System / Operators follow the Optimizer's recommended setpoints or not, and for which periods and Flotation cells?

The purpose of the Flotation App's Usage metrics is to be able to easily answer these questions.

How it works

The Flotation App comes with the following Usage metrics. Each are calculated per flotation cell, per line / bank and over the entire site's circuit.

  1. Usage Error: This is defined as |(RSP-SP)/SP|, where RSP is the recommended setpoint and SP is the setpoint value that was chosen by the operator for the corresponding Control Variable.

  2. Usage Status: This is a binary metric returning 1 if the Usage Error is below a configured threshold, and 0 if not. This threshold can either be a constant value or the value of a metric.

These metrics can be trended in a Dashboard or added to a summary table to report on the utilization of the Flotation Optimizer over the selected time period.

For more information, get in touch with us via Intercom.

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