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Langite 2023
Release Notes - November'23
Release Notes - November'23
Filipe Mattos avatar
Written by Filipe Mattos
Updated over a week ago

New Features - What's Improved? Real-Time AI Platform serves as our central platform and we are constantly improving its environment to provide a greater user experience. Here are the latest updates on

Single Sign-On (SSO): Single credential for multiple accounts

Single sign-on version 3 allows clients to connect to various clusters using their corporate email. This implementation eliminates the need for multi-email sign-ons like

The new functionality simplifies the login process for users with multiple accounts (sites), as they can now use a single credential. These measures are implemented to enhance security and provide users with a better experience.

Figure 1: Users Administration Screen

Note: the Single Sign-On (SSO) is currently unavailable for Azure deployment sites. The team is actively working to make this feature accessible.

Flotation Optimization App Flotation App exposes how individual flotation cells & columns perform in response to changing feed properties and other process changes, allowing proactive actions to keep the circuit stable and increase recovery.

Most recent advancements in the Flotation App are related to the Optimizer screen which generates recommendations from the Database. The aim is to assist both personas, Control Room Operators and Process Engineers, in the analysis of recommendations and set strategies.

Flotation Optimizer: Operational Limits

To ensure operators have a clear understanding and maintain control when using the Flotation Optimizer, they can now easily assess the proximity of current or recommended values to the operational limits. This allows for a quick sanity check to determine the safety of the recommendations. has enhanced this feature by adjusting the height of the bar charts based on the operational limits of a specific setpoint (SP) metric:

  1. Operational limits are supplied by the customer and are represented by the data quality limits found in metric files within the model service. As a result, users have the flexibility to configure the minimum and maximum asset-metric limits for the relevant metric within

Figure 2: Limit range setup

Note: Please note that this feature enables operators to establish operational limits for each metric. It's important to be aware that this may result in situations where two bar charts on the same line have different scales. However, we currently consider this scenario as normal to provide maximum flexibility.

2. Furthermore, a metric can be associated with multiple assets, allowing the definition of multiple sets of minimum and maximum ranges. We recommend using the range associated with the asset ID from (optimize_config_mapping.json) for the specific metric.

Figure 3: The Optimizer screen with operational limits applied

Bugs - What's Fixed?

In our continued effort to make the most reliable platform, we took extra focus on eliminating key bugs. Here are some of the top fixes: Admin

  • The 'create a subscriber' form is functioning correctly.

  • The 'Event type subscription' on the administrator screen now allows the registration of more than one event (alert) per email.

Stockpile and Inventory Optimization App

  • The setup of toggle buttons for the Blockmodel cross-section is functioning properly.

  • The translation of stockpile menus into other languages is working as expected.

  • It's not possible to initialize a stockpile with the same name if adding a space.

Flotation Optimization App

  • The data updated every minute on the Optimizer screen is stable and functioning correctly.

  • Inputting metric data that is not in the payload will raise an error.

  • The Flotation Optimizer operational limits bar chart is being scaled correctly..

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