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Langite 2023
Release Notes - September'23
Release Notes - September'23
Filipe Mattos avatar
Written by Filipe Mattos
Updated over a week ago

New Features - What's Improved? Real-Time AI Platform serves as our central platform and we are constantly improving its environment to provide a greater user experience. Here are the latest updates on

Chart Widgets for Apps: Flexible scale and range setup

The chart widgets have been enhanced for greater flexibility in scaling and range utilization. This empowers users to configure widgets using personalized limit ranges, going beyond the typical red-amber-green-amber-red scheme to include broader combinations like amber-green or red-green. This functionality is easily accessible through limit configuration in the asset-metric administration.

Figure 1: Different cases of how asset-metric limits can be defined - Min, Max and intermediary limits

Figure 2: The range widgets built according to the limits above

Figure 3: Configuration of hover states

3D Viewer: Stockpile blockmodel digital twin

This new initiative aimed to incorporate a Voxelfarm 3D view into the blockmodel screen - under the Stockpile and Inventory App, enabling the user to load a selected blockmodel from the table, view it, and interact with it.

Figure 4: 3D block model viewer in

As a result, viewing block models in-app means that users can quickly check a series of available stockpile models without having to go out of app for each block model. As it is well-known, third-party blockmodel viewing apps can be expensive, for some users this feature may negate the need to pay a license for such apps.

Stockpile and Inventory Optimization App SIO App serves as the definitive data source for users, offering real-time 3D ore control models of stockpiles for enhanced stockpile management. This includes heightened spatial granularity to maximize value extraction. Here are the most recent advancements:

New Stockpile Initialization: Initialize new Stockpiles directly in app

This feature enhances user experience by granting them more control and autonomy, enabling them to manage their workflows better. It speeds up processes by reducing reliance on developers and allows users to generate crucial blockmodel files independently, improving operational efficiency.

Users can navigate to the stockpile Admin page, initiate the stockpile creation process, and successfully enter basic information - upload the necessary files (boundaries and FMS labels) and review these details.

Figure 5: New stockpile initialization screen

Data Quality Control: Real-time alerts and email notifications

The new Data Quality Alerts & Email Notifications feature aims to maintain the highest standards of data quality by conducting checks during the scheduled raw data ingestion process.

The new addition operates based on defined thresholds for four specific types of data issues:

  • Dump and Reclaim events with missing GPS coordinates.

  • Dump and Reclaim events falling outside stockpile boundaries.

  • Dump events with null material properties.

  • Dump events with material property values outside of the expected range.

The set threshold for each of these issues is 10%. Should any of these issues exceed the defined threshold, the system will automatically trigger an email notification to the designated end user subscribed to the notification service of the SIO App. This email will contain detailed information about the issue as well as a link to the due data quality page.

Figure 6: Data quality control notification email

Flotation Optimization App Flotation App exposes how individual flotation cells & columns perform in response to changing feed properties and other process changes, allowing proactive actions to keep the circuit stable and increase recovery.

Most recent advancements in the Flotation App are related to the Optimizer screen which generates recommendations from the Database. The aim is to assist both personas, Control Room Operators and Process Engineers, in the analysis of recommendations and the set strategy respectively.

Figure 7: Flotation Optimizer Screen

Here are the most recent advancements:

Flotation Optimizer: Current control setpoints vs. recommended setpoints

In this new version, the Optimizer screen displayed both optimized setpoints (RSP) and current setpoints (SP) values per cell. By highlighting the cells where the current SP values are different from the optimized ones - with the auxiliary line, the user should have a clear (and quick) understanding of which cells need process changes.

Figure 8: Highlighted cells where the current SP values (orange) are different from the optimized ones

Flotation Optimizer: Current vs. optimized performance display

In this new version, apart from showing optimized values in the performance section, now users can see the corresponding current values, and compare them side-by-side for better decision-making.

  1. In the Performance section for each variable, for example, "Recovery" or "Concentrate Grade" is possible to see:

a. Current value (what's happening now)
b. RSP value from optimizer (what will happen if control recommendations are followed)
c. The delta between the two.

Figure 9: Performance section on Optimizer screen

The frequency for the current and optimized values plus their delta should be minutely updated, so that users receive regular feedback on how the circuit is performing or can perform to make the best decision.

Thickener Optimization App Thickener App guides metallurgists and operators on how to best move the key process variables to their optimal setpoints aiming to stabilize the product stream, improve water recovery, and minimize flocculant usage. Here are the most recent advancements:

Optimization Scenario Modelling: Review current and historical scenarios

The Optimizer configuration (opticonfig) supports scenarios to be used by different optimizers (flotation, thickener, etc). Each scenario represents a certain set of variables and values that limit or drive a certain optimizer. It is expected users would use different scenarios in different operational circumstances so that the optimizer can pursue different goals depending on the user's needs, e.g. "Maximise Recovery" or "Minimise Flocculant Usage". But, this valuable information is lost once users are not applying it anymore.

In this new version, Metallurgists and Process Engineers can see/track scenarios that were used (and when) for the last 2 months by the optimizer, so they can assess the effectiveness of a certain scenario (exact values of variables inside the scenario) given the operational conditions, also know which scenario is being used at the moment by accessing the new opticonfig adm screen below.

Figure 10: Thickener Opticonfig Admin screen

In the case of thickener, in order to introduce the "Recommendation Strategy" property in the model, the user can select one from the well-described opticonfig scenarios strategies list directly in the operator screen.

After selecting a scenario, it is applied right away on the model level, however user will see the impact of the switch only with the next recommendations timeline.

Figure 10: Operator screen with possibles scenarios selection

Bugs - What's Fixed?

In our continued effort to make the most reliable platform, we took extra focus on eliminating key bugs. Here are some of the top fixes: Admin

  • Users have the option to rename the scenario by utilizing the actions button.

  • The assets list operates as intended within the search hierarchy.

  • The Reward page is fully functional when applied to a recently generated optimizer configuration.

  • Upon hovering over the range widget, the displayed value accurately mirrors the true value.

  • Incorporating specific metrics into widgets performs flawlessly as anticipated.

Stockpile and Inventory App

  • The latest FMS file processed displays correctly.

  • FMS Mislabelled metric is being calculated correctly.

  • A new Stockpile is now being displayed in the Latest Blockmodel tab, not in the Historical section.

  • The user is now able to discard unsaved changes and go back to the Material Inventory screen.

Flotation App

  • The Flotation Optimizer Beta screen is loading normally.

  • brains.genius & widgets misalignments were correct.

  • The Feed section shows a 'No data' message if there is no inputted data.

Thickener App

  • The operator screen titles are now getting translated into other languages

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