Flotation Optimizer Error Handling

How the Flotation Optimizer deals with errors

Dmitriy Tsay avatar
Written by Dmitriy Tsay
Updated over a week ago

The error handling has improved in the Flotation Optimizer allowing users to quickly understand when something goes wrong and how to fix it.

1. Data Quality Error

A Data Quality error is triggered when any of the input metrics don't adhere to its data requirements and trigger a Data Quality error. This flags the relevant data quality metric(s). This typically means that the values of these metrics have exceeded those within the expected ranges. When this happens, the Flotation Optimizer shows the following error message, on which the user can find a list of the metrics causing the error to provide better guidance.

2. Network or Server Errors

When the Flotation Optimizer is unable to update the data and the recommendations due to network issues or any other errors, the status indicator will turn red and report how outdated the data shown on the screen.

The recommendations can be used if they are not too outdated.

Clicking on the status indicator will reveal more information about the cause of the error. These details are important in case the issue persists and has to be reported to the support team for investigation.

No changes in the optimizer strategy will be allowed while the error persists:

While the error occurs, the Flotation Optimizer will try to resolve it in the background, hence, refreshing the browser page is not advised. If the browser page is refreshed, the previous data will be lost until the error is resolved, and the error page will be shown instead:

3. Configuration Issues

If the screen is misconfigured, you will see the "Configuration issues" button appearing either in the top-right corner of the screen or on the error page, for example: some metric is configured for the screen but does not exist.

When clicking the button, the misconfigurations will be listed as presented below:

When no metrics are configured, the screen appears in the following way for the user:

If any of the above error screens appear on your Optimizer and you are unable to resolve it, please get in touch with IntelliSense.io so we can help you.

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