Release Notes - May'23
Filipe Mattos avatar
Written by Filipe Mattos
Updated over a week ago

What's Improved!

The is our home platform and we are constantly improving its environment to provide a greater experience.

In this new version, users will be allowed to batch-update metrics on the Bulk Add Metrics screen, making this procedure an easy-to-use feature for users in dashboard development.

The 'Bulk create metrics' is available from the admin metrics summary screen. The new options are:

  • CREATE - this is to create the new bulk metrics which are entered. This option is selected by default and is the same as in previous bulk metrics as was the only option we had here.

  • UPDATE - this allows a user to update bulk metrics (all fields) which are submitted. Validation has to be passed on to the fields present to allow these updates.

  • UNLINK - this option allows a user to un-link bulk metrics from the chosen asset. This could be useful if many bulk metrics were linked to the wrong asset.

  • DELETE - this option allows the user to delete bulk metrics supplied. Note this will only be possible if all of these metrics are not linked to ANY asset or used in any dashboard.

The UPDATE option will update the metric which is found by name and change values that have passed validation. As usual, if validation does not pass, none of the metrics can be validated.

Moreover, now users can see alerts in dashboard screens when the dashboard contains widgets that try to use the wrong asset/metric/asset metrics. This provides information about issues with misconfiguration and allows field operators to identify potential issues with dashboards.

All these measures are taken to generate security and a better experience for you, our user.

What's Fixed?

In our continued effort to make the most reliable platform, we took extra focus on eliminating key bugs. We have fixed the below bugs on

Here are some of the top fixes:


- On/Off Metrics are not listed in the two-state indicator in any language except English.
- 3D Widget is working as expected in the reference environment.
- Grid Widget Is now displaying correct values when exporting the dashboard as PDF/Report.


- An error message is now displayed if the user tries to enter a duplicate email address with upper case letters.
- Right message is returning when trying to delete Metric Types that are linked to other site's metrics.
- Metric types are not allowed to be removed once added.
- The unit is now getting updated on the asset-metric administration page.

- Projects are working fine with 'Equation metrics'.

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