Stockpile Material Movements (Beta)

2D map visualization and material accounting based on both GPS coordinates and FMS location labels

Written by René
Updated over a week ago


Mining operations grapple with maintaining mine compliance, reconciliation, and material tracking due to the shortcomings of existing systems and the absence of a comprehensive spatial visualization tool that effectively presents critical event information.


Introducing a solution that features a 2D map, accurately visualizing stockpiles, crushers, dump and reclaim spots using GPS coordinates, and providing essential event details such as FMS labels, tonnes, grades, and equipment ID to support mine engineers and supervisors in their daily tasks, even when dealing with non-live data.

How to use the Material Movements page?

To access the 2D map visualization feature, follow these simple steps:

  1. Click on the "Material Accounting" section located on the left-hand menu.

  2. Select "Material Movements (Beta)" from the dropdown menu.

  3. Set the desired Start and End day using the time picker. Please note that the time window should not exceed 8 days.

  4. Once the time window is set, the 2D map visualization feature will be displayed. The feature shows the defined boundaries of the stockpiles and crushers, alongside all recorded dump and reclaim events for the selected period of time, based on the GPS coordinates of the trucks (dumps) and excavators (reclaims).

  5. Use the filter options to select or deselect the type of event (dump or reclaim) and different assets (stockpiles and crushers). This will allow you to focus on the specific events and assets that you need to review.

  6. Hover the mouse over the events plotted to get specific information related to a particular event, such as FMS label, tonnes, grades, and equipment ID. This provides a comprehensive understanding of ongoing operations and enables informed decision-making.

  7. Zoom in and out using the computer mouse. This feature provides a closer look at specific areas and helps in identifying assets that may not be visible at a larger scale.

  8. For those events (dumps/reclaims) that use FMS location labels that are not configured in the Stockpile and Inventory application, the system will plot them as "Unknown" assets, which can be easily identified. This helps in ensuring that all material movements are accurately recorded, tracked, and accounted for.


  1. Accurate material tracking: The 2D map enables precise tracking of material movements using GPS coordinates, resulting in better reconciliation and reduced discrepancies.

  2. Enhanced mine compliance: The feature allows mine operations to visually compare actual material movements with the mine plan, ensuring better adherence to planned activities and regulatory requirements.

  3. Improved decision-making: The visualization of crucial event information, such as FMS labels, tonnes, grades, and equipment ID associated with each particular event, supports informed decision-making by providing a comprehensive understanding of ongoing operations.

  4. Streamlined information: The material movements page serves as a common reference point for different teams, fostering improved collaboration and coordination among mining teams.


  1. Accurate material tracking and reconciliation: A mine engineer can use the 2D map feature to track material movements and compare them against the mine plan. By hovering over the plotted events, the engineer can see detailed information about each event, including FMS labels, tonnes, grades, and equipment IDs. If there are any discrepancies in material movements, the engineer can investigate further and take corrective action to ensure accurate material tracking and reconciliation.

  2. Improved mine compliance: The 2D map feature allows mine operations to visually compare actual material movements with the mine plan, ensuring better adherence to planned activities and regulatory requirements. For example, if the mine plan requires that certain material be moved to a specific location, the 2D map feature can be used to verify that the material was moved to the correct location.

  3. Informed decision-making: The visualization of crucial event information, such as FMS labels, tonnes, grades, and equipment IDs associated with each particular event, supports informed decision-making by providing a comprehensive understanding of ongoing operations. For example, if the engineer needs to make a decision about where to move material next, they can use the 2D map feature to see which areas have already been filled and which areas still need to be filled.

  4. Streamlined collaboration among mining teams: The material movements page serves as a common reference point for different teams, fostering improved collaboration and coordination among mining teams. For example, the mine planning team can use the 2D map feature to verify that the actual material movements match the mine plan, while the operations team can use the same feature to track material movements in real-time and make adjustments as needed.

By using the 2D map feature in these and other ways, mining operations can improve material tracking and reconciliation, enhance mine compliance, make more informed decisions, and foster improved collaboration among different teams.

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