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How to check for the quality of the raw input - geospatial data?
How to check for the quality of the raw input - geospatial data?

Quality assessment of the raw input - geoespatial data

Written by René
Updated over a week ago


Ore grade control departments do not have a way where to easily check, understand and evaluate the quality of the site geoespatial data that serves as input for the construction of the stockpile blockmodels.

Solution's Stockpile Inventory and Optimization application (SIO) provides metrics that expose the quality of the raw input - geospatial data. Through the "Site QA overview" and "Stockpiles QA overview" screens (the first provides a summary at a site level and the latest details asset by asset) , Geologists and Ore Grade Controllers are able to evaluate the quality of both dump and reclaim events at any moment in time, by exposing the 3 main deviations that impact directly or indirectly the quality of the blockmodels and the SIO outputs as:

  • Events with null GPS coordinates assigned to stockpiles

  • Events Outside stockpile area

  • Events with incorrect FMS stockpile location labels.

The aforementionedmetrics are provided in terms of number of events and the mass related to them, plus the percentage they represent in relation to the whole amount of events accounted for in the raw data base.

How to access the screens?
1. Click on "Stockpile data quality" icon
2. Select "Site QA Overview"

3. Select "Stockpile QA Overview"

How to understand the information provided in the Site QA Overview screen?

Site QA Overview screen

This screen provides an overview of the quality of the geospatial data at a site level, accounting for both dump and reclaim events (without discritizing by stockpiles but the overall). The definition of the metrics shown are provided in the table below:



Total events

Total number of events counted in the raw data assigned to the stockpiles by gps coordinates and/or FMS location labels,

Invalid events

It shows the invalid events (Invalid = null gps events + outside boundaries events) from the total counted in the raw data.

Total tonnes

It is the amount of mass related to the total events.

Invalid tonnes

It is the amount of invalid mass related to the total invalid events (Invalid = null gps events + outside boundaries events)

% Events with null gps

It shows the % of events that don't have gps coordinates, but with valid stockpile FMS location label.

% Events outside boundaries

It shows the % of events that have valid FMS location labels but the gps coordinates indicates that they fall outside of stockpiles boundaries.

% Events with FMS mislabelled

It shows the % of events that fall into stockpile boundaries according to the gps coordinates, but they do not match with the FMS location label

Each of the widgets that shows metrics have an info icon that displays the due detailed explanation, as shown in the image below.

How to understand the information provided in the Stockpiles QA Overview screen?

This screen provides details of the quality of the geospatial data discretizing per stockpile and accounts for both dump and reclaim events. It also shows the impact of the Smar GPS filling algorithm on saving data. The definition of the metrics shown are provided in the table below:



Total events

Total number of events counted in the raw data assigned to the stockpiles by gps coordinates and/or FMS location labels,

Invalid events

It shows the invalid events (Invalid = null gps events + outside boundaries events) from the total counted in the raw data.

Total tonnes

It is the amount of mass related to the total events.

Invalid tonnes

It is the amount of invalid mass related to the total invalid events (Invalid = null gps events + outside boundaries events)

% Events with null gps

It shows the % of events that don't have gps coordinates, but with valid stockpile FMS location label.

% Events outside boundaries

It shows the % of events that have valid FMS location labels but the gps coordinates indicates that they fall outside of stockpiles boundaries.

% Filled events by the Smart GPS filling

% of invalid tonnes that has been saved by the action of the Smart GPS filling Algorithm.

Tonnes saved by the Smart GPS filling

Invalid tonnes that has been saved by the action of the Smart GPS filling Algorithm.

Number of events saved by the Smart GPS Filling.

Invalid number of events that has been saved by the action of the Smart GPS filling Algorithm.

Each of the widgets that shows metrics have an info icon that displays the due detailed explanation, as shown in the image below.


1. Increase understanding of the quality of the site raw input - geospatial data, therefore the quality of the blockmodels and SIO outputs.
2. Centralized information to support proactive decision making related to technology and data improvements initiatives.

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