How to create a custom equations ?

Explanation of how to create equation metric type

Mark de Geus avatar
Written by Mark de Geus
Updated this week

Note : A Administrator can perform this.


  • Metric: In the app is a data set from different sources; data provided by the client, constants or numbers, manual values and equations created based data, numbers and mathematical operations.

  • Asset: Refers to a or group (area) of physical "things" i.e. a piece of equipment where you can attach a metric.

Asset/Metric Structure

Both, metrics and assets, have a unique ID number that defines what metric and asset are, for example:

  • metric(135)” could correspond to “percent solids (underflow)” from data source,

  • “asset(464)” which could corresponds to “411-TK-002” which is the thickener

  • “metric(135).asset(464)” it will show the percent solids (underflow) for “411-TK-002”

  • “metric(135).asset(465)” it will show the percent solids (underflow) for “411-TK-003”

Understanding this, creating equations depends on what you want to use them for

Asset Internal Equations


  • If you want used the same equation for many assets, for example metric(118) - metric(116) will return that result depending on the asset attached to

  • If you want to do a complex metric calculation within the same asset, for example manipulating 10 metrics within a SAG mill then referring to the asset in the equation is not required

  • In this case the naming of the metric would follow standard standards

Multi Asset Equations

If you want to create an equation gathering data from multiple assets, fro example:

  • Totaling power metrics for an area of assets

  • Getting the average level of two tanks

In this case the equation should contain assets in the equation (and also in the name to know that refers to an specific area), for example, “metric(133).asset(175) - metric(2).asset(208)” refers to delta between flow rate underflow attached to asset(175) or thickener circuit and flow rate attached to asset(208) or hammer tank. In this case, this equation metric type could be attached on any asset and always will show the same values.

Equation metric type

If you want to create an equation metric type :

  1. Go to “Metric Admin” where you can add any new metric that you want.

Hint: 🔍Zoom out with your browser to see both the list of metrics and the Edit fields side by side

2. To add metrics you have to fill in the below fields.

  • Name: Consists of a description for the metric followed by more specific descriptions, states, models, etc. in “()”. For example, “Percent Solids (Underflow) (Filtered) (411-TK-001)” shows underflow percent solids on 411-TK-001 thickener and is a filtered data under some condition.

  • Unit: Measurement unit, it is written as “UNITS_” followed by the unit itself. They are created as translations and can be seen in the admin translations section. Some examples are “percent”, “metres”, “degrees”, “hour”, “dollars”, “tonnes”, etc.

  • Icon: List of icons here: Icons.

  • Source: EQUATION.

  • Multiplier: Not used for EQUATION metric types (enter 1 if required)

  • Cumulative: If you want a cumulative values for some metric.

  • Colour: Enter a HEX Code

  • ⚠ Mongo Metric Name: In the equations case, which is what we will focus on, this has to be the same as the “Name”.

  • Equation: Here you can add the equation that you want, below will show a list of common equations.

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