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Release Notes
Digenite 2019
Release Notes-Version 19.2.4
Release Notes-Version 19.2.4
Sonali Dash avatar
Written by Sonali Dash
Updated over a week ago


User Name information for Asset Logs

An easier way to find the user who made the changes to the Asset.
Now find the User Name instead of the User id for better identification. 

New Password Policy

Time to set a new password! has been introduced with some new set of rules designed to enhance computer security by encouraging users to employ strong passwords.

Hover your mouse on the Info icon in the login screen to know more about the password rules.

Note : Only visible to Administrator Users

Now navigate to the API Token screen from Data tab on the left navigation bar.

Bug Fixes

  1. The Range chart arrows are now aligned and point to the chart output correctly.

  2. The y- axis on the multi unit line widget depicts the correct scale.

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