How to create a CONSTANT metric?

New metric addition with CONSTANT data source

Sonali Dash avatar
Written by Sonali Dash
Updated over a week ago

Applies to: Platform

Users who can do this: Administrator

Note: The general administration of metrics is described in the article Administrating metrics.

What is a CONSTANT metric?

A CONSTANT metric is a metric using CONSTANT as its source in the metric's configuration.

The value of these metrics remains constant for a period of time until the next change in the value is recorded manually in the system.

This type of metric returns a constant value specified when creating it.

Learn more about How to record Constant Metric data manually in

ADD Constant Metric

To add a Constant metric to, please follow the below steps:

  1. Click on the administration icon on the left navigation panel to open the Admin menu.

  2. Click on Metric Admin in the menu to access the Administrate Metric screen.

  3. Click on the ADD METRIC button to add a new metric to

  4. Fill in the below field details in the New Metric form:

  • Name: Type a metric name as described in the article How to name a metric?

  • Unit: Select the unit of measurement for this metric.

  • Icon: Select an icon to represent this metric.

  • Source: Select the data source to be CONSTANT.

  • Value: Enter the value of this constant metric.

  • Cumulative: Tick the checkbox, if this value needs to be cumulated.
    Learn More about which units of measurements allow cumulation here- Cumulative metrics.

  • Colour: Select a colour for this metric label.

  • Mongo Metric Name: Set it to the same value as Name.

  • Click on the CONFIRM button, to add the new metric successfully.

Further reading:

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